Reuniting by chance on a train journey to their friends wedding, a young ex-couple reflect back on their lives between leaving school and stumbling...
Coming Home
When a holiday wish wreaks havoc on a fractured family, they must work through their differences to defeat an army of magical Christmas ornaments.
Family Ornaments
Alistair is late for the funeral and Carla is annoyed. Her loyal, family friend is gone. The Vicar is starting the service and Harry the fencer has a...
A Sort of Burial
With the shock death of their friend Jay, a group of childhood friends decide to hold a weekend long wake in the woods they used to visit as...
We Wait in the Woods
A woman awakes after being drugged to find herself tied up in a dingy, decrepit room, with a psychopath for company. Locating her belongings, she...
The Cold Caller
Lisa and David, a writer and an entrepreneur couple from London travels to Ballyvadlea, Ireland for their working holiday. The short trip was planned...
The Darkness