Salserín, la primera vez, candidly recounts a story of teenage love framed in the genesis of a salsa band that was once a musical phenomenon...
Salserin, the First Time
Portable Country is a classical Venezuelan film about the urban guerrilla. Based on the novel of the same name, written by Adriano González...
Portable Country
Three friends in love, are ignored because of their lack of gift to conquer. After learning of the existence of a school of seduction, are enrolled...
School of Seductresses
About a mysterious and troubled black woman, a former practitioner of the Santería religion, who must comes to terms with her background...
Camino de la verdad
Santa Rosa de Lima, who died in the capital of Peru, was barely 31 years old when she died in 1617. José María Elorrieta's film...
Rosa de Lima
Hector travels with Luisa by the road linking Madrid with Barcelona. When another car suddenly crosses his path, his vehicle leaves the road and...
Accidente 703
Todos los días son sábados