The film follows adventures of Little Red Riding Hood (Maria Gracia) and Tom Thumb (Cesaro Quezadas) and their friends, fighting against the wicked...
Little Red Riding Hood and Tom Thumb vs. the Monsters
The classic story of the Red Riding Hood spiced up by a couple of funny characters like the dog Duke, companion to the girl in her adventures, and...
Little Red Riding Hood
Villagers think the Big Bad Wolf has returned to his fierce, wild-animal ways. Also gypsies.
Caperucita y sus tres amigos
Marita, a charming little girl, lives in the country with her grandmother. Her best friend is a modest servant, Anselmo, who almost everyday takes...
The Smile of the Virgin
Young widower wants a new mommy for his preschool daughter. So to speak.
Los hijos ajenos
Jim Douglass arrives in the small town of Rio Arriba in order to witness the hanging of the four men he believes murdered his wife. When the convicts...
The Bravados