Despite their social differences Luise, called Pünktchen, a girl from rich parentage befriends Anton, a boy who has to earn his own money in...
Annaluise & Anton
Gottes Engel sind überall
Spiegel des Lebens
Der Verschwender
Weg in die Vergangenheit
The young emperor Joseph II of Austria and Hungary is not interested in romance and marriage, and every time his mother makes arrangements for him to...
Tanz mit dem Kaiser
In 1882 a country girl disappears from a small Hungarian village. The inhabitants suggest that she was murdered by the Jews. Everything is done to...
The Trial
Louise of Habsburg-Lorraine, young and beautiful wife of the Crown Prince of Saxony, manifests democratic sentiments that make her pleasing to the...
All for love
Mysterious Shadows
Das Herz einer Frau
Franz Schubert – Ein Leben in zwei Sätzen
The Light of Love