The story of a young black man, Héracles, who after being released from a juvenile institution, tries to apply for his first honest job as a...
The Twelve Labours
Bruno is a young film editor who has just broke up his marriage with Regina, and returned living in his mother's house. Drowned in deep sorrow,...
A Man Amidst Bees
Temos Vagas
On the first day of the year, multiple characters meet in a sumptuous country house nearside Rio de Janeiro. From dawn till dusk, they all face their...
Primeiro Dia de um Ano Qualquer
Five-time Jiu-jitsu world champion, Tererê won almost every battle he faced on the tatami mats, but it was far from them that he suffered his...
The Black Belt - The True History of Fernando Tererê
Gabriel, with only 17 years old, lives this particular universe: anxiously awaits an answer. While life stays violent on the outside, days, hours and...
Mais Uma História
Batista and Maria form a couple who, apparently, are very happy in their marriage. However, the truth is that appearances deceive and much; in the...
Canastra Suja
After a shooting assignment, Henrique is mugged by two armed motor-bikers who steal his camera and speed off. Seconds later, he watches both get hit...
Todo Mundo Ainda Tem Problemas Sexuais