Humanity finds a mysterious object buried beneath the lunar surface and sets off to find its origins with the help of HAL 9000, the world's most...
2001: A Space Odyssey
American Neil Bowman is traveling through France when he meets British photographer Lila. They are hired by French land owner Duc de Croyter to...
Caravan to Vaccarès
The rise to underworld eminence of the notorious Chicago gangster Artuto Ui - who bears a striking resemblance to Adolf Hitler.
The Gangster Show: The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
In 1926 the tragic and untimely death of a silent screen actor caused female moviegoers to riot in the streets and in some cases to commit suicide...
A marriage crisis between a writer and his wife leads her to flee to Germany and eventually return with another man, through whom the writer is going...
The Romantic Englishwoman
Adaptation of the Helene Hanff memoir, presented as part of Play for Today.
84 Charing Cross Road
' She haunts you, Jane Austen , I mean.' ... But Annie isn't the only one obsessed with the great novelist; Shorty, an academic scavenger, believes...
The Sidmouth Letters