In 1970, Mikey and William both portrayed football cannibal Smash-Mouth in the influential cult hit, End Zone 2. Now, 50 years later, only one can...
The Once and Future Smash
The riveting sequel to Spill Your Guts 1 that everyone was asking for!
I Spill Your Guts 2
On the eve of her 17th birthday, Mari and friend Phyllis set off from her family home to attend a rock concert in the city. Attempting to score some...
The Last House on the Left
A group of girls trapped in an institution suffer the wrath of a serial killer on the loose. This campy thriller pays homage to Friday the 13th.
30 Days to Die
40-minute documentary on the making of Wes Craven's 1972 classic, The Last House on the Left.
Celluloid Crime of the Century
David Coleman spends his whole life looking to fit in. He is constantly bullied and screwed over by his so called friends. He finally has the family...
Psychotic State
A small town is rocked when a local man goes on a rampage in a movie theater, killing dozens as well as himself. Now, a year later, young filmmaker...
I Filmed Your Death