In Singapore, Krishna is forced by circumstances to use his superpowers and become a masked superhero named Krrish, before getting drawn towards his...
An orphan boy with dreams of finding a family and fame as a cricketer, finds a bat with magical powers and lands a spot in the Indian cricket team.
Chain Kulii Ki Main Kulii
Several alumni reminisce about their final year at St. Theresa's College and the events that shaped their lives.
Student of the Year
A small-town girl finally realizes her dream of becoming a famous supermodel but soon finds out that there's a price for her glamorous new life.
7½ Phere: More Than a Wedding is a 2005 Bollywood comedy film directed by Ishaan Trivedi and produced by Sonal Malhotra and Nimit Modawal. It...
7½ Phere
Revolves around a hapless copywriter torn between his crazy police officer fiancee and his new best friend, a hit man who inadvertently involves him...
Waisa Bhi Hota Hai: Part II
The movie revolves around a guy named Chirag (Parth Samthaan) and his grandmother Kalyani (Aruna Irani) wants him to get married soon. He meets a...