The Political drama shows the denunciation and persecution of the 19-year-old Sanne in the Nazi state. After she falls in love with her cousin, Sanne...
After Midnight
Tommy, 22 years old, is broke and in debt, still lives with his parents and is constantly arguing with his father. The young man wants to break out...
Der Drücker
Der Spatzenmörder
Zwischen den Zeiten
Re-enacted true story of successful assault by Nazis, posing as Poles, on a German border radio station so that Hitler could "justify" thereby his...
The Gleiwitz Case
Born into a well-off family, Franz Blum had led a carefree youth until, some time after graduating from high school, he was arrested by the police....
The Brutalization of Franz Blum
Der Leibwächter
The story of Jacob Fabian, a somewhat liberal Berlin advertising copywriter who witnesses the collapse of the prewar German society during the 1930s.