First installment in a series about local Japanese urban legends. This installment includes 'Turbo-Granny', 'Gomiko-san' and 'Mom Comes at Night'.
Cursed Local Urban Legends: Hokkaido & Tohoku Edition
Poppin'Party, Roselia, and RAISE A SUILEN's successful concert at the Budokan has passed. Kasumi and the others, who have left a lingering sound on...
BanG Dream! Poppin'Dream!
Airi is a graduate student with a degree in the study of folklore. As part of her research, she decided to go to a small village with a group of...
The Slit-Mouthed Woman Returns
Recording of the live show held at the Tokyo Bunka Kaiken on May 14, 2017 featuring music from the Final Fantasy series.
BRA★BRA FINAL FANTASY BRASS de BRAVO 2017 with Siena Wind Orchestra
Santa Company is an original work brought to life by Kenji Itoso. A short animation was released in 2014 after a successful crowdfunding campaign,...
SANTA COMPANY ~Midsummer Merry Christmas~