It tells the story of three siblings namely Jep, Shuib and Mamat who lost their parents. Yet despite the absence of the parents, they are left with a...
Lemang Aidilfitri Si Bujang Sepah
Bujang Sepah Lalalitamplom tells the story of the emergence of an entrepreneur and owner of a Property Holder Company named Tuan Abdul Kibas played...
Lalalitamplom Si Bujang Sepah
Based on the group Sepah, "Sepah The Movie" stars its three members as three single men who work in an electronic factory near their village who are...
Sepah The Movie
A funny comedy about 3 trio. Jepp, Shuib and Mamat from Sepah.
Dodol Si Bujang Sepah
Iwan mistakens as his cousin, a princess on the run from assassins from virtual world. Whilst sending the princess back to her world, Iwan and his...
Bola Kampung: The Movie