Taking place 700 years after the Dunbine TV Series, "The Tale of Neo Byston Well" revolves around Shion Zaba, the reincarnation of series protagonist...
Aura Battle Dunbine: The Tale of Neo Byston Well
Years after the events of Megazone 23 II, the only city on Earth is the supposedly idyllic Eden. There lives Eiji Takanaka, a B Level hacker who has...
Megazone 23 III - Part 1 - The Awakening of Eve
When the bubbly 14-year-old Kotobuki falls in love with 26-year-old Hodaka, the owner and clothing designer of a popular boutique, she lies about her...
The Fashion Boy is Cool
In the world of motocross, 16-year-old Satoshi Ichimonji fights his way from the novice grade up to Junior Cross championship.
Kaze wo Nuke!