The Earth is threatened by the mysterious Space Ironmen brothers, and the Kamen Rider Club goes to the space to avoid them to be awakened. However,...
Kamen Rider Fourze The Movie: It’s Space Time, Everybody!
Seven stories centered around marriage.
Happy Landing
Teacher Akira Suzuki breaks away from long-held customs and norms at his school. He tries hard to have the ideal classroom by using his own "Suzuki...
Suzuki Sensei
Live action adaptation of the cartoon and comic. The story focuses on a high school boy who boards with an all-female family. When he discovers that...
Oh! Invisible Man
Detective Ryoko Kozuki receives a demotion after having an affair with a superior. She succeeds in arresting a rapist in an undercover operation that...
"Elite" members of an insurance company are gathered together to form a unit to investigate an accident and whether the company needs to pay out on...
Shin Jidan Koshonin Ura File