A live stage recording of the musical based on DreamWorks Animation's 1998 film adapted from the biblical story of Moses, from his being a prince of...
The Prince of Egypt: The Musical
In 1846, Anthony Hope sails into London with the mysterious Sweeney Todd, a once-naive barber whose life and marriage was uprooted by a corrupt...
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
A chance encounter between two self-destructive men causes them to face their demons and exposes them to the possibility of love.
The Pure and The Damned
The cult of Diana Nemorensis was recognised as one of the most ruthless, brutal and mysterious cults of ancient Rome. The high priest who was said to...
King of The Wood
Genius Belgian detective Hercule Poirot investigates the murder of an American tycoon aboard the Orient Express train.
Murder on the Orient Express