An ambitious anthology film featuring segments directed by over two dozen of the world's leading talents in contemporary genre film. Inspired by...
The ABCs of Death
City lawyer Brad Walker (Matt di'Angelo) is having the worst day of his life. His high-maintenance girlfriend Sasha (Anna Passey) has left him for...
The Smoke
In an old building, Bill and Blue, a call girl, discover a mutoscope and a secret room that is key to unlocking a dark secret related to Blue's...
The Sleeping Room
A young gladiator enslaved in the Roman arena in 171 A.D. escapes by chariot towards the freedom of Hadrian's Wall. Fighting centurions and...
In the Name of Ben-Hur
Two female soldiers in a divided United Kingdom settle a score.
Jason wants to be taken more seriously as an actor, so he asks his friend Kevin Smith for advice, and decides to become a method actor. Trouble is,...
Madness in the Method
A magical realism short that uncovers the sacrifices people make to take control of their lives and the evil that lurks in the darkness of...
Anthology film consisting of 9 shorts featuring blood, action and horror.
Blood, Sweat And Terrors
A London detective tracking a serial killer finds the killers "truth or die" methods take him to New York to solve the case.
Shame the Devil
CIA Agent Martin Keele (Michael Madsen - Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill) sets the wheels spinning in this gritty urban action thriller, as mysterious...
Amsterdam Heavy