This highly original and thought-provoking film explores a rich vein of visual expression and American individuality through incisive portraits of...
Boneshop of the Heart
This documentary examines the life and art of Lonnie Holley, a self-taught African-American artist based in Birmingham, Alabama. It follows Holley as...
The Sandman's Garden
A film documenting the soulful art, environments, and voices of self-taught artists on the back roads of the American South.
All Rendered Truth: Folk Art in the American South
Ethan Payne’s documentary captures the rapport between musician Lonnie Holley and the late producer/musician Richard Swift, two men separated...
From the Edge of America
Lonnie Holley, a "self-taught African American artist" and dimensional traveler, attempts to sneak off the slave ship America.
I Snuck Off the Slave Ship
A seemingly ordinary family harbors a dark secret: they are vampires. They choose not to drink blood despite their natural cravings, but one day,...
The Radleys