A teenager faces isolation in a small town while having the difficulty of choosing between being transgender, gender fluid, or CIS gender. Part...
This Girl, This Boy
A collection of Ryan's work including short films, music videos, trailers/clips from both released feature films and uncompleted features, concept...
Banned, Exploited & Blacklisted: The Underground Work of Controversial Filmmaker Shane Ryan
Eleven film directors explore how abnormal love and pushing the limits of obsession and danger can result in violent and unexpected endings.
Brandon is back! In this long-awaited unofficial sequel/spin-off to the Amateur Porn Star Killer trilogy. It is the first film in history to include...
Ted Bundy Had a Son
Horror anthology extravaganza loaded with awesome non-stop gore soaked carnage, mega jump scares and terrifying screams from around the world. Feel...
60 Seconds to Live