Written and directed by Mitchell Gabourie in 1989. this action movie delves into the world of horse racing, where cunning crooks can win a fortune...
Buying Time
Based on the controversial case of Pvt. Joseph Pringle, a Canadian soldier convicted of murder in Italy in 1945 and executed by firing squad.
Firing Squad
A 40-year-old bachelor gets his wish to be 17 again, and he goes back to high school where he romances the daughter of the woman he dated in high...
Young Again
Seventeen year old Izzy Marks lives in Toronto with her divorced mother and finds her life boring and directionless. Meant to be a sequel to Don...
Unfinished Business
Letting Go stars John Ritter as a widower and Sharon Gless as a lonely unmarried woman. They meet during a group-therapy session. Romance is...
Letting Go
Mária, a 55-year-old plastic surgery addict and lonely nail technician, one day finds her young love, Kalman, on Tinder. Soon they arrange a...
Diamond Beauty
Advertising executive, Alex Grier, is fired and is unable to find another position, being over-qualified. His wife, Annabelle, with no experience, is...
He's Fired, She's Hired