Against the backdrop of a decaying cityscape, Rick Miner, an off-the-books insurance investigator, is tasked with examining the suspicious death of...
An American Agent from 1938 travels through time to hamstring Hitler! Transported to the year 2018, he hoodwinks hoodlums, infuriates the Fuhrer, ...
Future '38
Angel is released from juvenile detention on the eve of her 18th birthday. Haunted by her past, she embarks on a journey with her 10 year-old sister...
Night Comes On
A twin brother of the protagonist is absorbed due to Vanishing Twin Syndrome and controls his left hand. When his life is threatened, the twin...
Exploring provocative viewpoints from engineers, factory workers, journalists, philosophers and Asimov himself, The Truth About Killer Robots is a...
The Truth About Killer Robots
When a successful New York public defender loses his first case, he is pulled into a drug heist by a former client in an effort to beat the broken...
Naked Singularity