An omnibus film consisting of ten parts, each directed by a different young director from the Latvian Academy of Culture. The unifying element of the...
Latavio, or Life Nr. 2
A lifeboat floats ashore at the coast of Skåne. Inside are two dead men who who've been murdered. Policeman Kurt Wallander is assigned to the...
The Dogs of Riga
A man sees his picture on a 'Most Wanted' board and after going to police he meets someone who looks suspiciously similar to him.
The Double
Kā mēs aizgājām no mājām
In the Shadow of a Sword
Facts is a dramatization of a massacre in a Lithuanian village during World War II when Nazis rounded up over 100 men, women, and children accused of...
A man in a grey coat roams the city. He is interested in boys and men. Those good enough for him will get a green bag. Marija is home alone. She is...
Stones (Elements)
A homage to Krišjānis Barons and his life's work – to collect and catalogue Latvian folksongs or dainas,thus creating the...
Dear Life
An ecranisation of an Anšlavs Eglītis's novel of the same title is an ironic story about the Latvian art scene during the 30ies.
The Door That's Open To You
A businessman and a footballer are murdered before an important football match in Prague. Investigation has to be started.
The Game Is Taking Place Anyway
Revolution of 1905 in Latvia.
If We Live Through All This
Austra arrives to a small Latvian town to work for a state institution and faces disinterest and carelessness from her colleagues. Her other troubles...
Keys of the City