The enigmatic hero, a speechless child and a ragtag motley crew journey through a zombie filled apocalyptic landscape to seek shelter in a medieval...
As a wave of vampirism sweeps the world, a small but discordant group hole up in a country mansion in Victoria, Australia. A vampire, who has also...
The Caretaker
Crime & Punishment
Gallipoli from Above: The Untold Story is the true story of how a team of Australian officers used aerial intelligence, emerging technology and...
Gallipoli from Above
After freeing a young Bedouin girl from her unjust imprisonment in Jerusalem, an Australian adventuress, together with her devoted police detective...
Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears
CHOIR GIRL is a gritty drama about a lonely photographer, Eugene, who becomes obsessed with an underage prostitute, Josephine, in his rundown...
Choir Girl
When Shane is convinced to join his friend’s plan to steal from a nearby factory, their simple grab for cash spirals out of control.
Frank Vaughan is a debt collector pushed to breaking point. In a frenzy of revenge, he tracks down the priests who abused him in boarding school and...
The Debt Collector