A portrait of the South Korean screenwriter, director and producer Lee Chang-Dong through his work, this documentary provides a thematic analysis of...
Lee Chang-dong: The Art of Irony
KIM Dong-ho is the founder of the Busan International Film Festival and one of the key figures in the rise of Korean cinema. Starting his career as a...
Walking in the Movies
South Korean cinema is in the throes of a creative explosion where mavericks are encouraged and masters are venerated. But from where has this...
The Nine Lives of Korean Cinema
Director Chung Ji-Young criticizes the thought that older directors have difficulties in making certain movies. Actress Yoon Jin-Seo agonizes over...
Ari Ari the Korean Cinema
Discover the roots of Korean cinema. A cinema who surprised by the success recorded in the major international festivals. Interviews to five famous...
Through Korean Cinema
Prominent film critic Tony Rayns has long been a supporter of Korean cinema. This film illustrates Rayns’ affection for Korean cinema through...
Tony Rayns, the Not-So-Distant Observer