Cadillac Dreams is a 1988 American short film directed by Matia Karrell. In the film, a young drug runner's dreams of being a great inventor give way...
Cadillac Dreams
Based on Suzanne Somer's autobiography, the film tells of her troubled childhood, her affairs, her abortion and her arrest for writing bad cheques...
Keeping Secrets
Three Los Angeles addicts find themselves in something of a pickle when one of them, mistakenly, swallows all of their drugs; setting off a race...
Colored Balloons
Witness a day in the life of Gretchen, a troubled woman on a quest for love.
You Can Never Really Know Someone
Mark Singer returns as Dar, the warrior who can talk to the beasts. Dar is forced to travel to earth to stop his evil brother from stealing an atomic...
Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time
Two strangers, both folk musicians stranded in California, take a road trip to New York in the days after 9/11. A story about the kindness of...
American Folk
College "frenemies" Lauren and Katie move in together after losing a relationship and rent control, respectively. Sharing Katie's late grandmother's...
For a Good Time, Call...
A holiday encounter with a forsaken boyfriend forces money-grubbing Mia Stone to re-examine her past, present and future.
A Stone Cold Christmas
Four friends band together to defend Los Angeles from a swarm of giant bloodthirsty cicadas.
Together, a weary cop and an all business FBI agent, team up to catch the latest homicidal manic: The Rain Killer. Just when they think that all the...
The Rain Killer