Stars above follows the stories of three women from the same family across three different decades. The main characters – Saima, Tuulikki and...
Stars Above
A portrait of the brilliant, extravagant Kristina of Sweden, queen from age six, who fights the conservative forces that are against her ideas to...
The Girl King
The story about the life and career of Pertti 'Spede' Pasanen, it traces the iconic entertainer's most innovative phase of filmmaking. The film sheds...
Adult Camp is a comedy about the bumpy road to personal growth. A group of men and women, strangers to each other, choose to spend a different kind...
Adult Camp
Anna’s story takes place on Åland Island in 1666, during the beginning of the most widespread and systematic witch-hunts in Scandinavian...
Devil's Bride
Guilt is a high concept thriller that follows Tomas, a man who joins a violent criminal gang in an attempt to find his sister. As he delves deeper...
Thirty-year-old twins Jenna and Joni find out that their father has a third child. Sister Jóna lives in Iceland. The siblings' meeting will...
Heli, a business student, decides to post an escort ad on the Internet. Soon she meets her first client Risto, the CEO of a Russian oriented trade...
A flock of storks fly in the misty sky, all carrying white bundles. One of the bundles falls and a little girl called Juniper ends up in a strange...
Rolli and the Golden Key
In 1980's Helsinki, a city about to burst with young energy and rebellion, two young writers determined to conquer the world fall madly in love. For...
Love and Fury