Anne (Daphné Baiwir) reads her younger sister, Marie-Catherine (Lola Créton), the story of Bluebeard. In 17th-century France, another...
At 25, Berthe dreams of making a living from her painting, never to marry, and to always stay with her sister Edma. Her parents do not see things...
Berthe Morisot
From its epic conception to its film death, the fantasized and fictitious portrait of the film-maker Walerian Borowczyk : Boro-in-the-box discovers a...
Boro in the Box
O rage, O despair, in Alex's life, who had planned to seduce Sandrine by inviting her to a musical (adapted from "The Cid" by Corneille). But she...
Quatre heures d'Ô Rage
Un viol