When a terrified family flees a desolate southern New Zealand farmhouse, two cynical scientists and a young psychic are sent to investigate their...
The Dead Room
Living in New Zealand in 1981 amid high racial tension, Willie, a half-Samoan teenager, is coming into his own. With an unpredictable father, Willie...
In a big mansion, a scientist has been experimenting with humans and animals, mixing their DNA together.
Dr. Moreau's House of Pain
Patricia and Todd clash over a charity skydiving event. After both sides get advice from their friends, will they stay grounded or take the plunge?
Don't Jump
Roommates, Richie and Frankie come home to find a dead body in their bathtub. But that is just the start of it.
The Bathing Bandit
Amy, an attractive woman, confuses love with money and becomes a victim of the materialistic lifestyle of South Beach. Her relationship with Nick, a...
Single In South Beach