Tells the story of the bitter adventures of Joe & Clara in dealing with two criminals who stole the Coffee Robot. The kidnapper is a child human...
Joe & Robot Kopi
Kemed who was hurt by Eros three years earlier. A few days before the wedding between Eros and Joseph. Kemed who saw the invitation still think of...
Sebelum Dunia Terbalik: Tragedi Cinta Kemed Dan Eros
Dozens of students died gruesomely during the last school exams. It started with one of the students being possessed and harming the others. The...
The Empty Chair: Final Exam
Ricky, a musician who likes to ride motorcycles, and Alyssa, who has family problems, are lovers. When Ricky wants to help Alyssa solve the problem,...
Romantik Problematik
Plot Unknown.
Rest Area
Isabella experienced something in the autopsy room when dissecting a female body that came without identity. It changed all the views of her life.
Rasuk 2
Based on the best-selling novel by Hana Margaretha.
In fact, getting married does not automatically make you happy. Moreover, he married Vika. Nasty, grumpy, blind jealous, can't cook. Such is the...