The story is simple, yet gripping in its telling by master director Cesar 'Chat' Gallardo. It is essentially about the brutalization of a man by his...
Tundo: Isla Puting Bato
Batang Magdalena is a 1998 Filipino true-to-life drama film directed by Bing Reyas and stars Agatha Mulach, Karren Concepcion
Batang Magdalena
A fashion model is torn between two men: her young boyfriend who is a self-centered fashion model and an older married man who is estranged from his...
Dalawang Pugad... Isang Ibon
A wealthy couple’s sacrificing adopted son, Alonzo (Christopher de Leon) and wayward biological son, Alvaro (Mat Ranillo III) vie for the love...
Masarap, Masakit... ang Umibig