Fiction and reality blur when Leonor, a retired filmmaker, falls into a coma after a television lands on her head, compelling her to become the...
Leonor Will Never Die
Hong Sang-Soo’s Lost in the Mountains (South Korea, 32min) the visitor is the supremely self-centred Mi-Sook, who drives to Jeonju on impulse...
A silent film by Jet Leyco.
Illogical Patterns of a Logical Parallelism
Florentina Hubaldo keeps repeating her story, orally, akin to a mantra, a meditation and a prayer; her way of remembering; her means of maintaining...
Florentina Hubaldo, CTE
Man is good and man is evil; man’s complex nature and existence has always been defined by these two opposite sides. In a remote island in the...
Butterflies Have No Memories
The Philippines, 1972. Mysterious things are happening in a remote barrio. Wails are heard from the forest, cows are hacked to death, a man is found...
From What Is Before
A man is wrongly jailed for murder while the real killer roams free. The murderer is an intellectual frustrated with his country’s never-ending...
Norte, The End of History
An itinerant tattoo artist joins a talent reality show for lesbians in the hopes of winning the prize money that will enable her to get artificially...
Ned's Project
The directors want to shoot a film about a man known as the son of god. But what starts out as a practical joke, extends to become a curious...
Son of God
Andres Bonifacio y de Castro is considered to be one of the most influential proponents in the struggle against Spanish colonial rule in the...
A Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mystery
Kints and Charles have been together for almost a decade. One day, Kints wakes up and discovers that her lover has changed, literally. Although...
Living Things