Spanning three generations, the film depicts life in Copenhagen from the perspective of the working class. The film portrays the development of the...
From Darkness Towards Light
Under byens tage går livet sin brogede gang. Det veksler med tårer og smil, med lykke og sorg. I kunstner-restauranten "Mona Bar" i indre...
Under byens tage
After living a lie for 20 years, Ejvin Nordeck learns the grim truth about his parents. In a wistful letter from Princess Jadviga Morensky, she...
The Battle of the Houses
Laurent, a painter, observes the performance of the dancer Marguerite and immediately feels drawn to her beauty and being. He invites her to his...
Memento Mori
Grave robbing, torture, possessed nuns, and a satanic Sabbath: Benjamin Christensen's legendary film uses a series of dramatic vignettes to explore...
Strejken paa den gamle Fabrik