After witnessing a man's death in a bizarre accident, Father Pergado goes on a spiritual retreat, where he encounters his alien double bent on world...
End of the World
Overnight Sensation is a 1984 short film directed by Jon Bloom, based loosely on W. Somerset Maugham's short story "The Colonel's Lady." After...
Overnight Sensation
The story of the relationship between Elvis Presley and his manager, Colonel Tom Parker, from its beginnings in 1955 right the way through until...
Elvis and the Colonel: The Untold Story
A dedicated social worker joins forces with a group of senior citizens fighting City Hall to prevent the demolition of their apartment building and...
Last of the Great Survivors
An aging horror-movie icon's fate intersects with that of a seemingly ordinary young man on a psychotic shooting spree around Los Angeles.
The teenage tiger that ripped off the mob and left the cops with their pants down! Only Baby could heist a million from the mob!
Did Baby Shoot Her Sugardaddy?
Cinderella, with the help of her "fairy" godmother, is granted heightened sexual prowess to win over Prince Charming. After a blindfolded orgy at the...
A girl who halfheartedly tries to be part of the "in crowd" of her school meets a rebel who teaches her a more devious way to play social politics:...