Kelly, a young mother, frantically searches for Hannah, her teenage daughter, who went missing after their car crashed outside of a small town in the...
Big Lies In a Small Town
It's prom season, and high school senior Mandy and her best friend and fellow outsider Ben are surrounded by over-the-top "promposals." Mandy is only...
Prom Pact
When the infamous "Sweet Sixteen Killer" returns 35 years after his first murder spree to claim another victim, 17-year-old Jamie accidentally...
Totally Killer
Author Nancy Crampton-Brophy often writes stories about female protagonists who fantasize about killing their own husbands. In a shocking and ironic...
How to Murder Your Husband: The Nancy Brophy Story
In Springboro, Halloween is a time for teens to obey the rules, especially since the town boasts a slasher who returns yearly on the normally fun...
Hell Is a Teenage Girl