Twelve-year-old Iwo lives in a small, post-communist town that is home to the old and destroyed Black Mill – once a place of work for many...
Black Mill
Petty thief Czarek takes part in a TV reality show to escape from the mafia. He is sent to a house on a desert island with 9 other contestants. Even...
"History of Highlander Philosophy" by Fr. Tischner is a warm and humorous praise of thinking, freedom and the joy of life. The film was made at the...
Jegomość Tischner i jego filozofia po góralsku
Jerzy Stuhr scripted, directed and plays four roles in this Polish comedy about four men -- an army officer, a college instructor, a priest, and a...
Love Stories
The story of an unemployed journalist who fights overweight and account shortages more effectively than Bridget Jones, and although she knows a lot...
Battle of the Sexes
When Kuba finds out his girlfriend Ewa is pregnant, he reflects on life and wants to prepare to do everything he can to be a great father and...
How to Live?
A touching story about the most important human matters: love, loneliness, sacrifice and courage, around the life of Ewa, a woman who works looking...
1800 Grams
The sophisticated thief of art Robert "Cuma" Cuminski is released on probation from the local prison by the corrupt Doctor Wiaderny to organize the...
Border Crossing