In this tribute to the classic 1971 apocalyptic film The Omega Man, Robert Neville, the last man on Earth, does battle with a race of bloodthirsty...
The Alpha Omega Man
Based on an actual event when a huge, mysterious sea creature washed onto the shores of Florida. A tribute to silent German expressionism.
The St. Augustine Monster
In this homage to the disaster genre of the 1970s, an insane hijacker takes control of an airplane and demands one million dollars.
Airline '79
A group of friends are haunted by the spirit of the evil Insect Woman.
Curse of the Insect Woman
In the not too distant future, Daniel Davis returns to his hometown to find that it has been taken over by super intelligent octopuses.
Attack of the Octopus People
A sheriff and a professor fall in love as they track down the giant prehistoric starfish that roams the desert.
The Menace with Five Arms
In this homage to Hammer Films, a group of university students resurrect Dracula who then goes on a killing spree.
Dracula A.D. 2015