The movie starts with Ramesh doing his routine job in Bangalore City. In his native city, his aunt lives with her children Gauri and Gunda. When...
Dr Anand marries Sandhya, who is in love with an aspiring music director, Manjunath. Anand promises to unite the lovers but asks Sandhya to stay with...
Love Maadi Nodu
When a movie crew arrives to shoot their film at an estate, they are haunted by the supernatural elements of the lonely house on the estate. Things...
A 1991 Kannada film
Santhosh and Nayana are both creative directors at an advertising agency.Nayana is straight forward and believes in hard work,Santhosh is just the...
Diffident Kitti works for an ad agency. His accidental wedding with Lakshmi remains unconsummated, and he gets implicated in the murder of an...
Poli Kitty
Chapala Chennigaraya is a 1990 Indian Kannada film, directed by H. R. Bhargava and produced by M Rajagopal and Suresh Kumar. The film stars...
Chapala Chennigaraya