Unveiled through a made-for-TV documentary, five chilling tales of found footage horror emerge to take viewers on a gore-filled journey through the...
Kelly and Jake have had it up to here with humanity and barely leave the house, but an important event from her sister has them pushing forward with...
An amateur filmmaker, struggling to turn his passion into a career, returns with friends to Loveland, Ohio, the location of his first, notorious...
A stalled actress mired in the monotony of family life heads back to her hometown to care for her ailing father, only to be drawn back into a...
Days When the Rains Came
After the death of his father, Aden and his mother, Sarah, find themselves responsible for the sale of his family home – a place they thought...
Sins of the Father
A shy lonely genealogist finally discovers the perfect family and the love of her life… they just don’t know it yet! They mistakenly...
Accidental Family
Five college students wake up in an abandoned, locked-down insane asylum - with no idea how they got there and no means of escape. They discover that...
The Control Group
The kids at Camp Nawgonamakit are about to find out the tragic tale of Squirt Reynolds is more than just a legend.
The Bloody Ballad of Squirt Reynolds
Three sisters try to save the Shakespeare Chateau, a historic mansion and beloved family home, from a corrupt bank that threatens to foreclose on...
Christmas at the Chateau
A woman invites all her friends over for a dinner party in order to break up with them.
The Misanthrope
A pair of plush penguins must try and save their baby while being chased by a vicious dog that rips apart anything that squeaks.
A Very Merry Eggstravaganza!