The tragic story of the many lives of Father Dinis, his dark origins and his pious works, and the different fates of all those who, trapped in a...
Mysteries of Lisbon
The middle-aged titular heroine (Masiero) of this bare-bones, Dardenne-esque debut has certainly fallen on hard times: Living between her car and a...
Louise Wimmer
Lola and Ingrid’s investigation into a missing hairdresser takes them to Indonesia.
Ingrid & Lola: Road to Manta Corridor
La vie est une fête
Mathan is 17 and struggles with his sexuality and his feelings for his friend François. Over a two summer period, with his friends...
A Wild Heart
Every afternoon, Clara climbs aboard a pleasure boat to gaze at Jacques, the gruff, aloof crew chief. When she learns he's leaving, to be replaced by...
L'échappée belle