A weekend camping trip turns into a frantic fight against the supernatural when an ancient demon and a fearsome female warrior bring their eternal...
Dark Rising
Two years after Jason Parks (Landy Cannon) saved Warrior Princess Summer Vale (Brigitte Kingsley) from her life hunting Killopoths in the demon...
Dark Rising 2: Summer Strikes Back
Erik, Ryan, and Cooze start college and pledge the Beta House fraternity, presided over by none other than legendary Dwight Stifler. But chaos ensues...
American Pie Presents: Beta House
Rona & Nele
Capturing the sadistic serial killer "The Wolf" was just the beginning for rookie cop Johnny Morgan. As he escorts the monster to his new home in the...
Medium Raw
A young Western woman is recruited by the Mossad to go undercover in Tehran where she becomes entangled in a complex triangle with her handler and...
The Operative
A screenwriter suffering from writers block decides to lock himself in his apartment for 18 days in order to meet a career-making deadline. His...
Final Draft