Johan, a talented pianist who lacks confidence, prepares for a major musical competition. Overcome by stress, he takes refuge in the women's toilets...
Chateauneuf-sur-Valone, Mayor Félix de Ponte is preparing for his re-election, hoping to beat the far-right candidate Jean-Luc Molment...
À mon tour
Alex and Sacha are shaken up by the closure of the online video game on which they met. As Alex and his mother go on holiday to the south of France...
Alexx196 & the Pink Sand Beach
Basile, 17 years old, activist, wants to change the world. Malik, 19 years old, a security guard at a multinational company's warehouse site, makes...
Odile, a textile worker, and her colleagues are told to evaluate newly-arrived young Tunisian women over a span of four days. Although there is no...
Once upon a time Barisa ... Waitress by day, charming at night, she carries in her the pains of a ruined life ... will she learn from these mistakes?
Dorothée has arranged a delicate balance between motherhood, economic survival and political commitment. It holds firm on one of the last...
Act 100: The Changing of the Guard
France, 1910. While her mother seems to be suffering from an illness she wishes to hide, the young Cassandra feels a growing presence in the family...
The Dark Room