Set against the backdrop of the political violence that rocked India, and West Bengal in particular, in the late 1960s, it tells the story of an aged...
A miser bequeaths his property to his two destitute nephews, provided they within a month marry girls who are well mannered, high family, beautiful...
Ei Korechho Bhalo
Being an unwed mother, Kamal Lata had no option but to abort the child and move on with life. The man who left her comes back into her life, but she...
A 1971 Bengali Drama Film directed by Salil Dutta, featuring Soumitra Chattopadhyay & Aparna Sen in lead roles.
Khunje Berai
Nani, a witty college student lives an intriguing life with his friends and suddenly falls in love with Manasi. His life now has only one mission: to...
Nani Gopaler Biye