A sequel of 16 Puasa, this is a comedic story of six bumbling friends who constantly face difficulties fasting during the month of Ramadan. Working...
17 Puasa
"Hantu Bonceng" revolves around Amran (Zizan Raja Lawak) a delivery boy who often races in illegal drag races. It all started when Amran wins a race...
Hantu Bonceng
"Jidin Sengal" is described as a rom-com that focuses on the 'glamour world' that is enjoyed by extras in the Malaysian film industry who are all...
Jidin Sengal
Nabil Raja Lawak is back again for another comedy film since his last movie "Lu Pikirlah de Movie" in 2010. Also joining him is Jue Aziz, Tauke Jambu...
Cinta Beruang
This horror comedy film is a mix of the "Adnan Sempit" and "Hantu Bonceng" movies. The story follows Adnan, who is on his way back home riding his...
Hantu Nan Sempit
Alisa who are still in school are forced to marry in secret with his cousin, who is also a religious teacher (Ustaz Hafiz) at the same school as her...
Suami Aku Ustaz
Tells Arman, who worked as an executive in a large company. Arman often stylish, friendly and well-known because of his insults. He likes to draw...
Semua Nak A je
Feeling pressured after he is accused as a terrorist and gets locked up in a mysterious room, Adam has no choice but to give up the location of a...
Kak Limah is discovered dead by villager. Since then, her ghost has been spotted around Kampung Pisang, making the villagers feel restless. Enter...
Hantu Kak Limah
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