A troubled arsonist spins a tale of espionage to a captivating girl, who becomes enthralled and entangled in his dangerous fantasies, leading to...
Pretty Poison
Eccentric 17-year-old Morgan Stewart (Cryer) can't seem to get his conservative parents to notice him - even though Morgan's been thrown out of 10...
Morgan Stewart's Coming Home
After an American scientist is severely injured and scarred in a car crash along the border with East Germany, he is captured by East German...
An aging doctor's resentment of his young assistant could lead to tragedy.
The Young Doctors
This is yet another telling of the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn as the two try to clear their friend Jim of murder charges.
Back to Hannibal: The Return of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
Frank Serpico is an idealistic New York City cop who refuses to take bribes, unlike the rest of the force. Frank's actions get him shunned by the...
Original Broadway production filmed for Japanese television. Based on the novel by Bradford Ropes and the subsequent 1933 Hollywood film adaptation,...
42nd Street
Once Upon a Mattress is a musical comedy with music by Mary Rodgers, lyrics by Marshall Barer, and book by Jay Thompson, Dean Fuller, and Marshall...
Once Upon a Mattress
Bored with day-to-day life in New York City and neglected by her husband, a young wife and mother slips into increasingly outrageous fantasies: her...
Up the Sandbox
Based on the best-selling book, this movie focuses on John F. Kennedy's first run for a congressional seat in 1946.
Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye