Originally produced for PBS's Great Performances Series, La Pastorela is a musical retelling of the shepherds' journey to Bethlehem to see the Christ...
La Pastorela: The Shepherd's Tale
In the beautiful hills of the Copper Canyon in Chihuahua, Mexico, a young boy (Emilio) is adopted by the mailman (Teo). As part of their daily tasks,...
Cartas a Elena
Filmmaker Ernesto Rimoch looks at the potent combination of love and ambition in this film about a couple who's so happy their daughter is marrying...
El Anzuelo
In the plains of Durango, the old west town still exists where Mexican and foreign westerns used to be filmed. Old Antonio takes care of the place....
Once Upon a Time in Durango
A crooked CEO is kidnapped and nobody cares enough to pay his ransom.
In The Country Where Nothing Happens
Marcela is a young woman who lives in Mexico City, where she makes her living teaching ballroom dancing. Everything seems to be fine in her little...
Wait for Me in Another World
Many stories of families within an urban complex.
Corazones rotos
Five elderly men form a music group and run away from the nursing home where they are interns with the hope of playing for an audience. They confront...
If I Never See You Again
As part of the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, Rodrigo, a Spanish shipwreck falls in love with Tizcuitl, the young and beautiful Aztec daughter...
Hijos del viento