Michael Delucca, a Vietnam veteran broken by his struggle with post-traumatic stress, recollects his violent postwar life in a raw and touching...
Railway Spine
A group of outlaws awaken to find their hard-earned bag of loot from a daring train heist is empty. A high-stakes interrogation begins as each cowboy...
The Outlaws
When a young boy's mother and father are savagely murdered, he ages out of an orphanage intent on revenge, but the love of a girl and psychological...
Long Shadows
A modern-day witch uses spells and magic to get men to fall in love with her, with deadly consequences.
The Love Witch
Following her rape, Jennifer Hills wrote a bestselling account of her ordeal and of the controversial trial in which she was accused of taking the...
I Spit on Your Grave: Déjà Vu
After his best friend is drafted to fight in Vietnam, a young man must grapple with the reality of life before and after war.
Battle Scars
Take a front row seat as we sit down to chat with some of the creators and stars of the best and most beloved exploitation and grindhouse films of...
Stale Popcorn & Sticky Floors
An abused girl running from the shadows that haunt her seeks revenge when she is given the power to control them.
Harper Shadow
When an outbreak hits, Aidan barricades himself inside his apartment and starts rationing food. His complex is overrun by infected Screamers, and...