This documentary, made over a period of eight years, tells the remarkable story of an extremely influential rock'n'roll band. Starting from their...
MC5: A True Testimonial
Off The Road (directed by Laurence Petit-Jouvet): Peter Kowald on the road in the US, a road movie.
Off the Road
Documentary looking at how Detroit became home to a musical revolution that captured the sound of a nation in upheaval. In the early 60s, Motown...
Motor City's Burning: Detroit from Motown to the Stooges
A look at post-industrial Detroit and its burgeoning urban agricultural movement.
Requiem for Detroit?
Kick Out the Jams features many never before seen films of the MC5 as created by Leni Sinclair & conceptual artist Cary Loren during the peak of...
MC5: Kick Out the Jams
Filmmaker Morley Markson shows Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary, and other '60s rebels, then and now in a follow up to his...
Growing Up in America