The story revolves around a doctor living in the jungle with his daughter, surrounded by wild tribal people who are ruled by the jungle queen, Sheena.
Jungle Ka Jawahar
A man named Kulasekaran comes to Vanarajapuram forest with his wife and little son Karzan to find the secret of Amirdharasam (elixir of life) after...
Karzan, the Jungle King
Scientist Ramu and his wife Uma (Nazira) live with their four-year-old son Leher in the jungle where he carries out experiments. He has discovered...
Toofani Tarzan
Also known as Lion of Baghdad, this film stars Fearless Nadia, John Cavas and Sayani Atish.
Lion of Baghdad
Fearless Nadia is Queen of the Jungle!
The Jungle Princess
Savita, aka Miss 1936, is an amateur hunter while her brother Jayant is an amateur film-maker. Their father, Maganlal, arrested for the murder of a...
Miss Frontier Mail
Suresh (John Cawas) has been left ₹1,000,000 (equivalent to ₹110 million or US$1.4 million in 2023) by his uncle in his will. The...
11 O'Clock