A Melbourne family is very happy living near the Melbourne airport. However, they are forced to leave their beloved home (by the Government and...
The Castle
In the summer of 1980, a successful yuppie faces an existential crisis when a nosferatic ghoul joins his social circle and undermines his social...
Green Eyed
The classic fictional tale of Little Nell and her grandfather, animated by Burbank Films Australia.
The Old Curiosity Shop
Identical twin brothers on vacation are faced with an unexpected battle when their getaway spot is invaded by mercenaries. Using their martial arts...
Twin Dragon Encounter
Based on a true story, James Coburn portrays a military lawyer assigned to defend a confessed psychotic killer. Set in the context of WWII and the...
Death of a Soldier
Mr. Casey's daughter, Connie, wants to go to Pottawatomie College and without her knowledge, he sends four football players as her bodyguards. The...
Too Many Girls