In the third installment of the Scary Movie franchise, news anchorwoman Cindy Campbell has to investigate mysterious crop circles and killing video...
Scary Movie 3
Public Defender Eddie is a widower with a 13 year-old daughter, Naomi. A classic workaholic, Eddie has been M.I.A. for most of Naomi's big moments....
Mr. Troop Mom
A woman and her daughter (Nicole Muñoz) encounter a deadly legend at a bed-and-breakfast.
The Tooth Fairy
Cloe, Yasmin, Jade, Sasha, and Meygan are invited to the new girl in the neighborhood's sleepover. But no sleepover is complete without staying up...
Bratz Kidz: Sleep-Over Adventure
A young couple (Mark and Jamie) embezzle money from their parents and elope in a rented plane. When the plane crashes, Mark must decide between...
Fall into puppy love with “the world’s worst dog”, who now has a frisky voice and an attitude to match. Join Marley for his...
Marley & Me: The Puppy Years