Made in the budget of Rs. 85,000, this is the debut film of Sarat Pujari. The tale of Goddess Lakshmi leaving the temple to teach brothers Lord...
Mahalakhmi Puja
Plot Unavailable.
Puja Phula
Amada Bata is a classic Odia film directed by Amar Ganguly, based on eminent Odia woman writer of yester years Basant Kumari Pattanayak's master...
Amada Bata
Naba Janma
Adina Megha
Sati, who is forced into marriage by her poor parents with a rich ugly old man living with a concubine. She find the other way to overcome the mishap...
Nandika is childless after 8 years of marriage to Sunanda and she persuades him to remarry. Sunanda and second wife Lalita move to the city and...