When a supernatural pit worshipped by a remote community in the woods demands a new blood sacrifice, a young woman struggles to find a way to survive...
Jug Face
Ethan and Sophie are a married couple on the brink of separation when, at the urging of their therapist, they decide to salvage their relationship by...
The One I Love
When two bus crash survivors awake to discover that they are the only people left in their small town, they must form an unlikely alliance in a race...
Lamb, based on the novel by Bonnie Nadzam, traces the self-discovery of David Lamb in the weeks following the disintegration of his marriage and the...
In the near future, when communications go offline at a remote nuclear power plant isolated in the desert, a young safety inspector, Abby Dixon, is...
A wounded soldier's wife begins the long road to recovery after her husband is released into her care. But the strange noises next door may bring a...